Timber Frame Homes
Timber Framing is a method of timber construction that relies on the timber frame as the primary structural support for the building. This method offers two techniques: the Full Timber technique and the Hybrid technique.
Timber Framing is a centuries-old construction technique that consists in creating timber framed structures jointed together with wooden pegged mortises and tenon joints. People throughout the world have been living in timber framed structures for hundreds of years. This has been for many reasons: the ease of construction, the durability of the material and of course its aesthetic appeal.
The Timber Frame Technique
The timber frame and post and beam are both beautiful methods of building and are very similar. Both methods create a skeletal framework using vertical posts supporting horizontal beams.
What does the timber frame offer? In this technique, the frame is left exposed in the inside of the building creating that natural elegance. It is made of durable heavy square timber; it uses handcrafted wood joinery and modern technology allowing for the design to be more complex.
These structures are available in eastern white pine and Douglas fir square timber.

The Hybrid
The hybrid technique is defined differently throughout the industry. In our definition, the beams and columns can be installed for decorative or structural purpose in conventional houses, even existing ones. This technique will appeal to anyone who is seeking a wooden house look in their conventional house.
You can mix and match the logs and timber for a unique look. Half logs can be used for non-structural purposes. The choice is yours! See also the Full timber technique.